Comment 15 for bug 1372375

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Joel Coffman (joel-coffman) wrote :

> [...] how would we like to see the info passed to Cinder to indicate that the Volume has been formatted to set the proposed flag?

Perhaps something could be added to the VolumeEncryptionMetadata API extension to support toggling the flag when the volume is formatted. Not sure how much would be gained from this approval since it potentially would create a way to (maliciously) trigger reformatting the volume -- maybe it would be write-once so it can only be set (i.e., formatted = True).

> It is crazy to luks format a volume because I am not able to mount it, and it is crazy to suppose that if I am not able to mount a volume, then it's the first time I am mounting it.

You could use the cryptsetup encryptor instead of LUKS, as raw cryptsetup does not format the volume at all.

> Also, is anybody interested enough to work on this?

I'm willing to look into this issue since I'm responsible for the original feature, but it's pretty much at the bottom of my priority list.

I also stand by my original comment on this bug report. We're talking about a situation where 1) the LUKS header is corrupted, 2) the (encrypted) volume "data" is not corrupted, and 3) the user doesn't have backups or snapshots of the volume. Perhaps someone from the Cinder core team will correct me, but I'd guess that Cinder's backends try to avoid data corruption, but it remains the user's responsibility to have snapshots or backups of the volume in case corruption occurs. If so, we're talking about a very specific situation where changing the existing behavior would be beneficial.