Comment 1 for bug 1359808

Revision history for this message
Attila Fazekas (afazekas) wrote :

The extra ~20-25% is neutron port listing, if neutron is enabled (+~9-10 sec).
The database itself is very fast. I can query the full tables under 0.02 sec.

You can boot up 4096 instances in BUILD scheduling->ERROR state even on a notebook/ or in small vm by stopping the n-sch.

1. $ nova quota-update --instances -1 --cores -1 --ram -1 --floating-ips -1 --fixed-ips -1 <my-tenant> # as admin
2. kill the n-sch (./ Ctrl+A + " , select n-sch, Ctrl+C , Ctr + A D)
3. increase the osapi_max_limit=10000 /etc/nova/nova.conf; (otherwise you just see 1000 instances, because the client does not gets the next page)
restart the n-api service

similar to the n-sch stopping, but after the Ctrl+C, you need to press the UP arrow and enter, basically restarting the previously terminated service

4. create 4k instance
$ nova boot test4k --min-count 4096 --max-count 4096 --flavor 42 --image cirros-0.3.2-x86_64-uec
5. test
$ time nova list | wc -l

Looks like creating the full response is not fast even without the extended_volumes, but extended_volumes has the biggest contribution to the response time.

The above numbers seen at ~@2GHz physical machine with neutron icehouse.

With above n-sch killing method (all L2 vm in ERROR state), on VM on 3.4GHz with nova network, with latest master/juno I see ~22 sec with the unmodified extended_volumes, and 13 sec when the ExtendedVolumesController._extend_server replaced with a 'return'.

With the n-sch killing way the instances does not have all the normal attributes (like ip addresses), so it can be an another reason why it was faster this time.

The client warm up time ~1 sec and the authentication included in the time.