Comment 1 for bug 1316433

Revision history for this message
Radoslav Gerganov (rgerganov) wrote :

The reason for the memory leak is that we use suds objects as keys for the _datastore_browser_mapping cache. Suds objects do not implement __eq__ and __hash__ properly for VIM types such as ManagedObjectReference, we always have cache miss and thus _datastore_browser_mapping grows with every created instance.

This is how it looks like after two spawn() operations:

(Pdb) self._datastore_browser_mapping
   value = "datastore-10"
   _type = "Datastore"
 }: (val){
   value = "datastoreBrowser-datastore-10"
   _type = "HostDatastoreBrowser"
 }, (obj){
   value = "datastore-10"
   _type = "Datastore"
 }: (val){
   value = "datastoreBrowser-datastore-10"
   _type = "HostDatastoreBrowser"

The solution is to use the 'value' property of the MoRef as we do for the _datastore_dc_mapping.
I will submit a patch shortly.