Comment 0 for bug 1305062

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Loganathan Parthipan (parthipan) wrote : live migration doesn't work for VMs in paused or rescued states

I'd expect live-migration to migrate instances in paused or rescued states as they're online VMs anyway, as opposed to those that are shutoff or suspended. However, I see that it's currently disabled in the compute API.

nova live-migration --block-migrate b32b0eb4-b8aa-4204-b104-61e733839227 overcloud-novacompute0-aipxwbabgq7a
ERROR: Cannot 'os-migrateLive' while instance is in vm_state paused (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-d5b47ef0-6674-48dd-b4ac-eea86951246c)

nova live-migration --block-migrate b32b0eb4-b8aa-4204-b104-61e733839227 overcloud-novacompute0-aipxwbabgq7a
ERROR: Cannot 'os-migrateLive' while instance is in vm_state rescued (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-5eea8f1c-5602-4d48-9690-929baff3b560)

This is stopped by this decorator:

    def live_migrate(self, context, instance, block_migration,

However, there are more to it than fixing the decorator.

Should we treat this as a feature or bugfix?