Comment 11 for bug 1277204

Revision history for this message
Mark McLoughlin (markmc) wrote :

Ok, I've tried with devstack now and I'm happily receiving notifications

This is the listener I'm using :

To test this, I just put:

  notification_driver = nova.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier
  notification_topics = notifications

in nova.conf and restarted nova-api, then did:

  $> nova keypair-add foo

and I see:

 {..., u'event_type': u'keypair.create.start', ... payload': {u'tenant_id': u'e441da12bb4a4b6999db3bf10e1940e3', u'user_id': u'400c71997c7a4622a6135d5cd9d6d357', u'key_name': u'foo'}, }