Comment 8 for bug 1269418

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Jaroslav Henner (jhenner) wrote : Re: nova rescue doesn't put VM into RESCUE status on vmware

I have checked that this bug allows the user to pass the limits, so this can lead to DOS and also may lead to consuming more resources than has been paid for.

for i in {1..10}; do
  nova boot --image cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.vmdk --flavor m1.micro foo-$i;

# Wait for them to spin-up to ACTIVE state. The limit is 10VMs. No more VMs can be spun up by thi tenant.

for i in {1..10}; do
  nova rescue foo-$i;

for i in {1..10}; do
  nova delete foo-$i;

# *-rescue machines are still there, in running state
# -- consuming RAM and disk space
# Goto the begining. We can spin-up 10 more VMs.

I have also checked that this problem is not present when using the libvirt/KVM VMs on local disk. The -rescue disk-file is created in the directory of the VM, which gets removed when the VM is being deleted. That holds for Grizzly and Havana release.