Comment 14 for bug 1194093

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote : Re: Other tenants can access my private flavor.

Ahh, in that case how's...

Title: Resource limit circumvention in Nova private flavors
Reporter: hzrandd (NetEase)
Products: Nova
Affects: All versions

hzrandd from NetEase reported a resource limit circumvention
vulnerability in Nova's handling of private flavors. Any tenant is
able to show and boot any other tenant's private flavors by guessing
a flavor ID. This not only exposes the flavor's name, memory and
disk size, swap allocation, VCPU count and similar flavor
properties, but potentially allows circumvention of any resource
limits enforced through the os-flavor-access:is_public property.

(...obviously replacing above with whatever citation hzrandd requests)