Comment 18 for bug 1118066

Revision history for this message
Mh Raies (raiesmh08) wrote :

nova python client help tells that -

root@devstack:/opt/stack/nova# nova help quota-show
usage: nova quota-show [--tenant <tenant-id>] [--user <user-id>]

List the quotas for a tenant/user.

Optional arguments:
  --tenant <tenant-id> ID of tenant to list the quotas for.
  --user <user-id> ID of user to list the quotas for.

Thus there is three possibilities -

1. Get quota filtered by user_id ==> get_user_quota
2. Get quota filtered by tenant_id ===> get_project_quota
3. Get quota filtered by user_id and tenant_id both ==> get_by_project_and_user

Current quota api implementation treats only "get_user_quota" or current project. Need to enhance/modify to entertain remainings.