Comment 1 for bug 1008906

Revision history for this message
Mark McLoughlin (markmc) wrote :

Ok, the error was in ensure_bridge()

  Failed to add interface: sudo: cannot get working directory

The code in question is:

            out, err = _execute('ip', 'addr', 'show', 'dev', interface,
                                'scope', 'global', run_as_root=True)
            if (err and err != "device %s is already a member of a bridge;"
                     "can't enslave it to bridge %s.\n" % (interface, bridge)):
                raise exception.Error('Failed to add interface: %s' % err)

Seems fairly bizarre that we'd get this error

Google doesn't show up anyone else seeing this problem

The bug wasn't reproducible and I know the reporter is no longer working on OpenStack

Moving to Invalid