Comment 0 for bug 1664575

Revision history for this message
Andreas Scheuring (andreas-scheuring) wrote :

Somehow a mapping between a DPM resource (e.g. partition or NIC) and the corresponding Openstack object (e.g. server or port) must be stored.

At the moment we're using
* The DPM partition name to store the OpenStakc instance UUID and the cpcsubset name
* The DPM NICs name to store the Neutron ports UUIDs and the description to store the cpcsubset name

The problem is, that an HMC user can easily change the name. We should rely on something different here!

For nova it could be the following attribute
openstack instance show xxx

| OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name | instance-00000015
-> this name smells like a libvirt name - probably we can override it somehow?