Comment 10 for bug 1067600

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Javier Fajardo Nolla (javieritofn) wrote :

I could make it find my music folder by a workaround. My OS "didn't know" the correct address to my music and Noise didn't manage to find it. In Ubuntu-tweak, I setted the correct address to music (it was said that my music was straight in home while it actually is in home > Music). When I open back Noise, it automatically found my music and imported it.

It seems to me something is broken in preferences and you can't effectively tell the problem where to search for your music. So, if you don't have the default settings and your music is right there in your home folder, you won't make it found it. But if you correct those default settings, he will just see they are there, where he has been looking all the time, where ubuntu or elementary is telling him that the music is.

Still have some issues, the album art are too separated between them and barely can see two albums in a row in my widescreen laptop, but I guess that's something of ubuntu.

Good luck!