Comment 2 for bug 181670

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loomy (loomy) wrote :

The apt-clone finishes successfully and requests a reboot, so I type reboot. I don't know how to get the full output text out of the VM.

I don't know what you mean by "apt-clone didn't ask you to rollback upgrade?", but when it failed upon reboot and went to the command line, I used the zfs snapshot rollback of blah@blah-003 to restore to the previous snapshot, rebooting worked after that. The second time when it errored to the grub config command line, I didn't know how to fix it and reverted to a VM snapshot.

I expect this is totally reproduceable for you because it worked for me against two different snapshots created by apt-clone. So I had upgraded a few times over the past month or so, and doing apt-clone today against two of those snapshots broke the OS.