Comment 12 for bug 2037876

Revision history for this message
Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) wrote :


This bug is invalid. The referred patches ([1] in particular in the commentes) have the information for this issue: the port resource has always the "fixed_ips" information since [2]. The comment:
    # NOTE(ralonsoh): both resources should have "fixed_ips"
    # information. That key was added to the deleted ports in this
    # patch but this code runs in the Neutron API (server). Both the
    # server and the DHCP agent should be updated.
    # This check could be removed in Y release.

That means since Wallaby, the Neutron API provide this information in the port resource sent to the DHCP agent via RPC. Any "port" dictionary sent to the DHCP agent has the "ip_address" key, in particular in the port deletion command [3].

The removal of this condition [1] was done in Yoga. That means you have updated your DHCP agents to Yoga but your Neutron API is still in an older version of Wallaby that doesn't contain [2]. ***Please confirm that.***

This bug, IMO, should not be under an embargo. This issue will leave a left over (router port) that will need to be removed manually.

