Comment 3 for bug 2007826

Revision history for this message
Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) wrote :

Hello Quynh:

It is much more useful if you provide examples of the commands that need to be executed. There are also some missing steps, like for example the endpoint creation (subnet and cidr) and the ike and ipsec policy.

I'm trying to reproduce it but I'm stuck in the endpoint cidr creation:
$ openstack subnet pool create --pool-prefix pool1
$ openstack network create net1
$ openstack subnet create --network net1 --subnet-pool pool1 --prefix-length 24 snet1
$ openstack router add subnet router1 snet1 # router1 is created by devstack
$ openstack vpn ipsec policy create ipsecpolicy
$ openstack vpn ike policy create ikepolicy
$ openstack vpn endpoint group create ep_subnet --type subnet --value snet1
$ openstack vpn endpoint group create ep_cidr --type cidr --value

This last command is failing:
stack@dev20:/opt/stack$ openstack vpn endpoint group create ep_cidr --type cdir --value
The python binding code in neutronclient will be deprecated in favor of OpenstackSDK, please use that!
Invalid input for type. Reason: cdir is not in valid_values.
Neutron server returns request_ids: ['req-828d2f20-ccc3-4262-a8f3-e210d91b50fb']

What value do I need to provide to create this endpoint?
