Comment 3 for bug 1979958

Revision history for this message
Bence Romsics (bence-romsics) wrote :

Hi Sahid,

Sorry for the slow answer.

I did some testing with 'openstack subnet set --network-segment' right after this ticket was opened and now some more and I still don't seem to be able to reproduce the bug reported here. I tried two scenarios:

mysql neutron <<<"select * from segmenthostmappings" | column -t # empty
openstack net create net0
# rename the implicitly created vxlan segment for ease of reference
openstack network segment set $( openstack network segment list --network net0 -f value -c ID ) --name net0-segment0
openstack subnet create subnet0 --subnet-range --network net0
openstack subnet show subnet0 -f value -c segment_id # None
openstack subnet set subnet0 --network-segment net0-segment0
openstack subnet show subnet0 -f value -c segment_id # some uuid
mysql neutron <<<"select * from segmenthostmappings" | column -t # still empty

mysql neutron <<<"select * from segmenthostmappings" | column -t # empty
openstack net create net0
# rename the implicitly created vxlan segment for ease of reference
openstack network segment set $( openstack network segment list --network net0 -f value -c ID ) --name net0-segment0
openstack subnet create subnet0 --subnet-range --network net0 --network-segment net0-segment0
openstack network segment create net0-segment1 --network net0 --network-type vlan --physical-network public --segment 200
openstack subnet create subnet1 --network net0 --subnet-range --network-segment net0-segment1
mysql neutron <<<"select * from segmenthostmappings" | column -t # net0-segment1 is present

This behavior seems correct to me. I expected the vlan and flat segments to appear in the segmenthostmappings table - and they did. I did not expect vxlan (on any other tunneling) segments to appear there. But let me know if you think differently.

Also I tested these two scenarios with two neutron versions:
a) current master: 2a44898119
b) current master: 2a44898119 + revert of 176503e610 on top

And I see no behavior change between the two.

Do I misunderstand something in the report?

In order two work with this bug report can you please tell us:

* what exactly are you doing (commands, outputs, db table contents)
* what is the behavior you expect
* what is happening instead
