Comment 4 for bug 1969354

Revision history for this message
Nguyen Thanh Cong (congnt95) wrote (last edit ):

Hi Jakub,

I'm increase inactivity_probe in NB & SB, but ovsdb-server still response:
2022-07-14T02:46:24.519Z|06705|reconnect|ERR|tcp: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting

I hit a bug about network vlan:
- Compute don't have any VM with vlan
- Create VM in that compute with network vlan
- VM with that network don't have connectivity
- After 1h or 2h, it's has connectivity

- I check ovsdb-server still response disconnect after 5 seconds
- In openvswitch, i can't see port patch-provnet-xxxxxx-to-br-int in br-ex and port patch-br-int-to-provnet-xxxx in br-int
- ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int table=0 |grep vlan don't show flows about this vlan in 1h or 2h

==> I think ovs can't proceess flow in 5s so it can't add port to br-ex and br-int

Note: I use OSP Victoria and OVN 20.03 deploy by kolla-ansible