Comment 4 for bug 1943724

Revision history for this message
Przemyslaw Szczerbik (pszczerbik) wrote :

Hi Rodolfo,

The issue is about replacing QoS policy of a bound port. [1] introduced support for this. Steps to reproduce:

openstack network qos policy create qosp_min_bw_e
openstack network qos rule create --type minimum-bandwidth --egress --min-kbps 1 qosp_min_bw_e
openstack port create port0 --network net-physnet0 --qos-policy qosp_min_bw_e
openstack --os-compute-api-version 2.72 server create --image cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk --flavor cirros256 --nic port-id=port0 vm0 --wait
openstack network qos policy create qosp_min_bw_i
openstack network qos rule create --type minimum-bandwidth --ingress --min-kbps 1 qosp_min_bw_i
openstack port set port0 --qos-policy qosp_min_bw_i

Update of a QoS policy that is attached to a bound port is still not supported.
