Comment 0 for bug 1943724

Revision history for this message
Balazs Gibizer (balazs-gibizer) wrote :

When changing the QoS policy having a minimum bandwidth rule on a bound port to another policy where the direction of the min bw rule has changed then neutron accepts the request but fails to update the bandwidth resource allocation in placement accordingly.


I will push a tempest test reproducing the issue soon.

Expected behavior
Neutron allocates resources in placement according to the new direction

Actual behavior
Neutron does not move the resource allocation from one resource class to the other (representing the directions)

Affected version
Reproduced on recent master in devstack.

stack@master0:~/neutron$ git log --oneline
6db2619628 Merge "[DVR] Set arp entries only for single IPs given as allowed addr pair"

Bug probably exists since neutron added support for changing QoS policy on bound ports with minimum bandwidth rules.