Comment 3 for bug 1915282

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sean mooney (sean-k-mooney) wrote :

just to clarify the possibel security issue ill try and give an exact scenario.

neutron deployed with ml2/ovn after support for external ports is added with vnic-type driect physical.

in nova.conf you have
    passthrough_whitelist = {"address":"*:03:00.*","physical_network":null}

note the address is not relevent here just the physical_network: null
im assuming the addres matches a PF in this case and that it is in switchdev mode.
it would be in switch deve mode if it had VF were inteded to be used for hardware offloaded ovs.

a more commen example might be
    passthrough_whitelist = {"devname":"<pf netdev name>","physical_network":null}
while we discourage the use of devname in the whitelist anyway many people
use it as an easy way to whitelist the nic and if its a PF any of its child vfs.

as a use i create a port of vnic-type=driect-physical on a vxlan or geneve network.
i.e. openstack port create --vnic-type direct-physical --network my-tunneled-network my-pf

note many users will not know if the private teanant networks they create are backed by a tunnel or not.
per the api ref the segmentation-type is optional and if not set is chosen by neutron.

NOTE: (neutron will chose the first segmentation type driver form its list of enabled tenant segmentaion types which is typically a tunnel network to preserve the vlan/flat networks for the admin to use as provider networks. the network type is available to admin users via a openstack network show but not to normal users so they dont know what type of network they will get.)

then the user boot a vm with this port
i.e. openstack server create --port my-pf my-server

at this point nova will schdule the vm to a host that has a free PF.
nova will consider any PF that is whitelisted and has not had a vm claim one of its VFs
as an avaiable PF. this is a feature used by many to not need to decide if a host nic should be used for PF or VFs upront. e.g. it can be consumed as a PF it its not hosting instance one of its VF alraedy or can be used for VF without needing to update the nova config and restart the agent.

if the PF has is in switchdev mode (i.e because you intended its VFs to be used via ovs) then
it will pass this check in the ovn driver.

        capabilities = ovn_utils.get_port_capabilities(port)
        if (vnic_type in ovn_const.EXTERNAL_PORT_TYPES and
                ovn_const.PORT_CAP_SWITCHDEV not in capabilities):
            LOG.debug("Refusing to bind port due to unsupported vnic_type: %s "
                      "with no switchdev capability", vnic_type)

ovn_const.EXTERNAL_PORT_TYPES is defined here


so vnic_type direct phyical will be in the list of external port types and because
the pf was configured for hardware offloaded ovs it will have the switchdev capablity.

at this point nova will use that bound port to create the vm. this happens in two parts
it would be my hope that the first step of spwaning the vm on the host, pluggin the interface into the netwok backedn would fail but it wont not. in this case that should be done by os-vif.
how this works is nova first looks at the vif-type set by the port ml2 mechanium driver
which will be ovs. so nova_to_osvif_vif which converts the port into an os-vif class will call

since the vnic-type is direct-physical it will not take the first branch

  if vnic_type == model.VNIC_TYPE_DIRECT:
        obj = _get_vnic_direct_vif_instance(
        _set_representor_datapath_offload_settings(vif, obj)

since this is bound by ovn it will not take the second branch since hybrid_plug=false for ovn.
elif vif.is_hybrid_plug_enabled():
        obj = _get_vif_instance(

so it will take the else
        obj = _get_vif_instance(
        if vif["network"]["bridge"] is not None:
            obj.bridge_name = vif["network"]["bridge"]

this construct a standard VIFOpenVSwitch, object which correspond to normal ovs backend.
this will cause os-vif to simply create a normal ovs port which will succeed.

the next step of spwaning the vm is generating the xml which for vnic_type direcirct-physical should be the hostdev elemnt

<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
    <source writeFiltering='no'>
      <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x06' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>

as its a pf we cannot use the interface element so we can enforce a mac adress or any other isolation. since we are providing the entire pf the guest could change that anyway.

now i think we are actully saved here because of how the
_get_config_os_vif function works.

because the os-vif object is VIFOpenVSwitch we will take this elif

and we will create a normal ovs interface that will convenitely match the one we plugged eairlier instead

and the vm will boot without the sriov interface attached eventhough it has claimed it.

if ovn or any other ml2 driver accpeted a tunneled netowrk (vxlan,gre,geneve) amd returned vif_type hw_veb however we would generate the first xml that would be a security whole.

since this is a plugable part of neutron and since neutron planned to supprot external interfaces for standar sriov ports which woudl use hw_veb this is still a concern but maybe not a security bug. this is still very very broken behavior.