Comment 3 for bug 1881685

Revision history for this message
hanchl (hanchl) wrote :

The queens one is mysql and the rocky one is mariadb.
queens backup: mysqldump -uroot -p${root_password} $i > $file/$i.sql
rocky import: mysql -h$IP -p3306 -uroot -p${PASSWORD} $i < ${DBPATH}$i.sql

I may have found the problem:
the reason is that the encoding of the two versions of the database is different. I used the command:
mysql -h$IP -p3306 -uroot -p${PASSWORD} -e 'drop database neutron;'
mysql -h$IP -p3306 -uroot -p${PASSWORD} -e 'create database neutron DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;'

to recreate the neutron database, and then executed the upgrade and it passed.