Comment 1 for bug 1859976

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sean mooney (sean-k-mooney) wrote :

the traceback show that we are calling ip_lib.delete(dev, check_exit_code=[0, 2, 254]) on line 69

however to reach that it means that "if ip_lib.exists(dev):" on line 67 would have to be true.
for a dpdk port representor there should be no kernel netdev so that shoudl not be true.

that is calling

def exists(self, device):
        """Return True if the device exists."""
        with iproute.IPRoute() as ip:
            idx = ip.link_lookup(ifname=device)
        return True if idx else False

which is just delegating to iproute2

can you provide the output of ip like before and after booting a vm.
we should not see any netdev with the name of the dpdk reprsentor.