Comment 0 for bug 1827363

Revision history for this message
Sebastian Lohff (sebageek) wrote :

When doing a openstack port list that filters for a fixed-ip/subnet and at the same time limits the amount of results neutron returns a 500 internal server error. This was already addressed in but this bug is also present in other places.

While running tempest against a Neutron Queens installation I came across another _get_ports_query() in neutron/plugins/ml2/ where filter is again called onto the result of an already limited query.


InvalidRequestError: Query.filter() being called on a Query which already has LIMIT or OFFSET applied. To modify the row-limited results of a Query, call from_self() first. Otherwise, call filter() before limit() or offset() are applied.
  File "pecan/", line 683, in __call__
    self.invoke_controller(controller, args, kwargs, state)
  File "neutron/db/", line 1417, in get_ports
  File "neutron/plugins/ml2/", line 1941, in _get_ports_query
    query = query.filter(substr_filter)
  File "<string>", line 2, in filter
  File "sqlalchemy/orm/", line 200, in generate
    assertion(self, fn.__name__)
  File "sqlalchemy/orm/", line 435, in _no_limit_offset
    % (meth, meth)

I applied a patch similar to the one Gabriele Cerami proposed in

When doing a grep for _get_ports_query() in the neutron codebase I find a function with this name being called in neutron/db/ in get_ports_on_host_by_subnet(), I do not have a stacktrace or test for that though.
