Comment 0 for bug 1812958

Revision history for this message
Alexey Ryzhykh (alexneutrino) wrote :

This bug tracker is for errors with the documentation, use the following as a template and remove or add fields as you see fit. Convert [ ] into [x] to check boxes:

- [x] This doc is inaccurate in this way: /etc/neutron/neutron.conf lacks the "lock_path" parameter under the [oslo_concurrency] section. At least this parameter is missing in the Rocky on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS, so I believe it should be mentioned in he guide, that there should be lock_path = $state_path/lock under [oslo_concurrency] section in /etc/neutron/neutron.conf. Ports of a virtual router are in DOWN state without it.
- [x] This is a doc addition request.
- [ ] I have a fix to the document that I can paste below including example: input and output.

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Release: 13.0.3.dev29 on 2019-01-19 13:45
SHA: 886782c1777d8f104b5c57ffd4eff7680056602c