Comment 51 for bug 1811941

Revision history for this message
Amer Hwitat (amer.hwitat) wrote :

now I have created an image at Glance , container at swift, volume at cinder, and an Instance of RHEL 7 minimal tiny flavor, and ready to launch and test connectivity, but it's giving some errors and adjusting back, eventually it created the instance, well and gave me some 500 http errors and keystone keeps logging me out, so ... now I might take the advice and upgrade the RAM add another DDR 3 hard to find RAM to my crancky laptop .. it works just remember add imports to python2.7 ConfigParer and io two lines or one line of your choice ... for the function conf.get to actually get from related .conf files ... I really didn't check the 1000+ lines of code all, but it's the headers on the beginning of the script, also not sure if they are embedded in another imported library on the header, just to make sure it reads from it, add it .. it won't harm, redundancy of reference is legal ..

and set the timeout=99999999 for conn, client, binding IP to not your real IP so that it works on any IP, .. etc

adjust the timeout=9999999 to all .conf files of openstack and enjoy the solution on any slow network with low specs VM