Comment 0 for bug 1609738

Revision history for this message
John Schwarz (jschwarz) wrote :

The scenario is a simple one: during the creation of a router, the server that deals with the request crashes after creating the router with the ALLOCATING state [1] but before it's changed to ACTIVE [2]. In this case, the router will be "stuck" in the ALLOCATING and the only admin action to change the router back to ACTIVE (and allow it to be scheduled to agents) is:

1. set admin-state-up to False
2. set ha to False
3. set ha to True
4. set admin-state-up to True

That is, a full migration of the HA router to legacy and back to HA is required. This will trigger the code in [3] and will fix this issue.

The proposed solution is to add a new state, such that if admin-state-up is changed to False then the router's status will be changed to "DOWN" (as opposed to the current "ACTIVE", which doesn't make much sense since admin-state-up is False).
