Comment 15 for bug 1596075

Revision history for this message
Don Bowman (donbowman) wrote :

Yes i was looking @ that one too. I do have the fix in question.
If i switch to python 3.5 for the test, i find that the deadlock is occurring due to quota updates.

I managed to reproduce with a python script instead of heat. It takes a few more tries to get it to happen, but it did happen on the 4th time i tried.

import sys
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
neutron = client.Client(username='don',password='xxx',tenant_name='don',auth_url='')

ids = []
sids = []
for i in range(1,254):
    network = {'name': 'pnet-%s' % i, 'admin_state_up': True}

    n = neutron.create_network({'network':network})
    id = n['network']['id']
    srange="172.17.%u.9" % i
    erange="172.17.%u.254" % i
    cidr="172.17.%u.0/24" % i
    name = "subnet-%u" % i
    subnet = {'enable_dhcp': True, 'network_id': id, 'allocation_pools': [{'start': srange, 'end': erange}], 'ip_version': 4, 'cidr': cidr, 'name': name}
    s = neutron.create_subnet({'subnet':subnet})
    sid = s['subnet']['id']

for i in sids:
    print("delete subnet %u" % i)
    neutron.delete_subnet({'subnet':{'id': i}})

for i in ids:
    neutron.delete_network({'network':{'id': i}})