Comment 13 for bug 1583694

Revision history for this message
Kevin Fox (kevpn) wrote :

So, we have vip's and fips... the vip is only on one vm at a time, managed by keepalived. the fip is a neutron construct, assumed to be on a single host too. It can't be created on more then one host or problems exist. but the vip can only be on one too or problems exist.

We need some way to track the vip and move the fip to match. If they are not on the same host, it should be ok for a little while? This would let stateful connections to continue to operate properly?

So how about this.... keepalived in the vm sends out a garp whenever it moves the vip. The hypervisor running that port can intercept the garp. If it sees one, it can then ask neutron for the fip associated with the vip to be rebound to itself. Then all the normal fip movement code kicks in.