Comment 3 for bug 1531426

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Christoph Fiehe (fiehe) wrote :

I think, I shot too fast. I have checked if the issue also occurs when I create a port with a "dns_name" set using
neutron port-create demo-net --dns_name test-dns

Everything is working as expected: The "dns_assignment" is set and transferred via RabbitMQ to dnsmasq which inserts the resolution correctly into the resolution file.

What have we done:
Our OpenStack Liberty cloud depends on AutoDNS-assignment which means that when a VM gets created the mapping hostname.domain_id -> Fixed-IP must be added to dnsmasq without any human intervention. We have modified the sources at /neutron/plugins/ml2/ and inserted some code in the method "create_port" that uses a novaclient to lookup the hostname of the "device_id" present in the port definition hash. Unfortunatly, this must be the wrong place... The result is that only the "dns_name" gets set and misses the "dns_assignment" causing that dnsmasq does not add the mapping entry.

We were not able to find the correct place for code injection. Could you help us getting AutoDNS-assignment working?

 There seems to be only little code necessary. Hopefully, the external DNS blueprint gets added to Mikata avoiding this ugly code modification.