Comment 3 for bug 1514810

Revision history for this message
Pavel Bondar (pasha117) wrote :

This query stands for validating subnet has at least one ip to allocate for dhcp port:

                    range_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.
                    ip_range = range_qry.filter_by(subnet_id=s['id']).first()
                    if not ip_range:
                        raise n_exc.IpAddressGenerationFailure(

But as I see there is no easy way to perform this check for third-party ipam driver.
IPAM interface allows only to allocate and deallocate ips, but info about available ips is not populated over IPAM interface.

This check was added in:

Need to confirm if this check is a MUST or a nice to have one.