Comment 0 for bug 1460177

Revision history for this message
Baodong (Robert) Li (baoli) wrote : Support metadata service with IPv6 only tenant network

EC2 metatdata service is supported by nova metadata service that is running in the management network. Cloud-init running in the instance normally accesses the service at Cloud-init can be configured with metadata_urls other than the default to access the service. But such configuration is not currently supported by openstack. In order for the instance to access the nova metadata service, neutron provides proxy service that terminates and forwards the request to the nova metadata service. Apparently, this works only when IPv4 is available in the tenant network. For an IPv6 only tenant work, to continue the support of this service, the instance has to access it at an IPv6 address. This requires enhancement in Neutron to support it.

A few options have been discussed so far:
   -- define a well-known ipv6 link-local address to access the metadata service.
   -- enhance IPv6 RA to advertise the metadata service endpoint to instances. This would require standards work and enhance cloud-init to support it.
   -- define a well-known name for the metadata service and configure metadata_urls to use the name. The name will be resolved to a datacenter specific IP address. The corresponding DNS record should be pre-provisioned in the datacenter DNS server for the instance to resolve the name.