Comment 2 for bug 1332564

Revision history for this message
Atze de Vries (atze-devries) wrote :

as far as i know everything is there. This is a overview of the tables

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_neutron |
| agents |
| alembic_version |
| allowedaddresspairs |
| dnsnameservers |
| externalnetworks |
| extradhcpopts |
| floatingips |
| ipallocationpools |
| ipallocations |
| ipavailabilityranges |
| networkdhcpagentbindings |
| networks |
| ovs_network_bindings |
| ovs_tunnel_allocations |
| ovs_tunnel_endpoints |
| ovs_vlan_allocations |
| portbindingports |
| ports |
| quotas |
| routerl3agentbindings |
| routerroutes |
| routers |
| securitygroupportbindings |
| securitygrouprules |
| securitygroups |
| servicedefinitions |
| servicetypes |
| subnetroutes |
| subnets |
29 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here is a dump of the networks table

mysql> select * from networks;
| tenant_id | id | name | status | admin_state_up | shared |
| 46f59aa7ad8b43d6942e06256b802aed | a9bfb8b9-c99a-4fd0-8fee-3af481551336 | public | ACTIVE | 1 | 0 |
| 46f59aa7ad8b43d6942e06256b802aed | 8326b51e-f875-4e63-83d0-345e99d27188 | private_admin | ACTIVE | 1 | 0 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)