Comment 16 for bug 1624317

Revision history for this message
Vincent Gerris (vgerris) wrote :

@Martin Pitt : why did you mark this as resolved ??

This is a huge issue and restarting systemd-resolved did NOT fix my problem.
Also, we should not have workarounds, we should have an Ubuntu desktop that:
 - works out of the box at installation: both 16.04 AND 16.10
 - works BEFORE and AFTER an UPGRADE of 16.04
 - works without any manual work arounds or hacks

So PLEASE, come up with an actual solution that fixes this shit.
I honestly find it difficult to express how pissed off I am about the bugs because they affect both home and enterprise users.

Here is an overview with a discussion:

I propose to either:
 - disable all services that break normal, expected behviour: so out with systemd-resolvd if that fixes it
 - fix issues with dnsmasq and/or disable that too by default in NetworkManager

Let's try to fix this in a proper way, and have non-technical users not deal with these issues.