Comment 62 for bug 1589401

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Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox) wrote :

In general, please run 'sudo iw dev wlan0 scan' (or a variation of this command with the right interface name for your system). Your system should, from there, show scan results in the nm-applet menu.

If this *does not* solve your issue, please file a new bug report, and report here what the number is. Do not reuse some other bug report someone else may have filed; even though things look the same, doesn't mean they are.

If this works, we've effectively established that the issue is in the scanning logic. We've looked at the code in NetworkManager before, and these issues seem to be more prevalent in Intel hardware, which makes me suspect the Intel firmware a whole lot -- which means we're not any more advanced in solving this issue than before. Doesn't mean NM isn't wrong, just that the more likely culprit is the kernel or firmware. There are already many bugs open on this.

If you're seeing this issue, but you're not using an Intel wireless card, then please speak up, so we know whether to look at other pieces of the system.