Comment 7 for bug 1999178

Revision history for this message
Danilo Egea Gondolfo (danilogondolfo) wrote :

On Archlinux, daemon-reload will get stuck even if all the groups referenced from udev rules exist.

After some digging, I've found the reason why it happens in Arch and not in Ubuntu: nsswitch.conf

On Archlinux, udevd will query the /etc/group file AND systemd:

group: files [SUCCESS=merge] systemd

On Ubuntu, we only query systemd if we can't find the group in the /etc/group file (the default success action is "return":

group: files systemd sss

Change /etc/nsswitch.conf on Ubuntu to always go to systemd and daemon-reload will always get stuck even if all groups exist:

group: files [SUCCESS=merge] systemd sss

Here is a stack trace from where it gets stuck waiting for a response from systemd (userdb?)