Comment 0 for bug 1819831

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Cullen Jennings (cfluffy) wrote : broken genration of wpa config for hashed passwords

Have a look at the config file at for 802.1 auth for a wired network.

This will generate a wpa config file at /run/netplan/wpa-enp4s0.conf that has


However, this is not correct. It should not have the quotes and should look like


The quotes cause the wpa_suppicant to not detect this is a hashed password and instead think it is a normal password that starts with hash:

This is an important bug because at Cisco we can not store our passwords unhashed on disk and our production network requires 802.1x auth. I think this is simple to fix and I'm glad to send a PR or any other information that helps fix it.

Thank you for looking at this, Cullen