Comment 0 for bug 1804861

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Alvaro Uria (aluria) wrote :

netplan version: 0.36.3
Ubuntu Bionic

    version: 2
            id: 810
            link: bond0
            mtu: 1500
            nameservers: *id001

Note: bond0 and its slaves have mtu=9000 configured (there are other vlans using 9000, too).

On netplan source code deployed by the package, only "" has references to "MTU", however, a command does not exist for "migrate".

I also tried to add /etc/udev/rules.d/70-net.rules:
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="bond0.810", ATTR{mtu}=="9000", ATTR{mtu}="1500"

But it doesn't get applied.