Comment 7 for bug 1770082

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Daniel Axtens (daxtens) wrote :

Ryan, I can't get that to work on my systems. What is it that update-initramfs is supposed to change? I don't see any files in my initramfs that are generated or read by netplan. Neither do I see netplan itself in the initramfs!

Mathieu, I thought netplan was supposed to be initramfs friendly by virtue of being in C. Is it supposed to be in the initramfs?

For both of you, how are you getting through initrd without your device being given a generic udev name (like ens3 or enp1s0)? On both my physical and virtual machines, my various network cards all get renamed in initrd, well before netplan is run.

[PS. I know the scenario as described sounds far-fetched - the original way this came up was a cloud setup where you can change the type of a network interface but keep the same MAC. The different type leads to a different udev name, which is what revealed that set-name: wasn't taking effect.]