Comment 0 for bug 2053077

Revision history for this message
Ferran Diego Andilla (fdiegoa) wrote :


NebulOuS core can be uninstalled, and all resources removed.


NebulOuS core is installed on a server and running correctly.

A manually-managed node has NebulOuS agent installed and it is connected to the NebulOuS core.

A NebulOuS cloud provider is registered.

Two versions of “Dummy APP” are registered, one that requires the APP to be deployed on the manually-managed node and one that requires to be deployed using resources from the NebulOuS cloud provider. An instance of each application is running (one using the manually-managed node and a another using a NebulOuS managed node from the cloud provider).

User is logged in the server and has appropriate rights uninstalling NebulOuS core.


Step 1


User follows the instructions provided on NebulOuS documentation to uninstall NebulOuS core.

Expected results

All NebulOuS core binaries, services, logs are removed from the server dedicated to NebulOuS core.

All binaries, data and logs pertaining to applications managed by NebulOuS are removed from the server dedicated to NebulOuS core.

All application components deployed by NebulOuS in nodes are removed (logs, binaries, services, etc…).

NebulOuS-managed node is destroyed.