Comment 14 for bug 1021375

Revision history for this message
Jørgen L Sørensen (j-linde-sorensen) wrote :

One more person with this read-only problem :-(

When I put a SD Card into the slot in my laptop Nautilus opens the SD Card, but I also get the problem: The destination is read-only :-(

In a terminal everything works fine.

When I run sudo nautilus in the termnal everything also works fine and I can write to the SC Card - but why not when I'm running Nautilus as normal user :-(

Permissions look also fine to me:

jorgen@Jukebox:/media$ ls -l
totalt 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 jorgen jorgen 4096 dec 3 15:02 Cloner
drwxrws---+ 11 root data-rediger 4096 jan 28 17:28 Data
drwxrwsr-x+ 2 root multimedia-rediger 4096 nov 26 21:34 Multimedia
drwxrwsr-x+ 2 root multimedia-rediger 4096 nov 26 21:34 Raa-foto
drwx------ 5 jorgen jorgen 16384 feb 26 19:01 SD-CARD_512
drwxrwsrwx+ 2 root udveksling-rediger 4096 nov 26 21:34 Udveksling
drwxrwsr-x+ 2 root work-rediger 4096 nov 26 21:34 Work