Comment 3 for bug 415587

Revision history for this message
Martin (martin-staffenski) wrote :

Hello Mario.
System: KARMA, ISO Image of current today.
I have testet again and attached the log files.
1. Downlodaed and installed.
2. Upgraded the distro from the MCC. Wondering of a partial upgrade message.
3. After the upgrade a newly messagebox appears to upgrade system - I do so.
4. Installing of mythnews-022 crashed.
5. A 'service mysql start' fail
6. An 'aptitude search mysql-server' shows me, that the server is not more installed (is this the right package)?
7 Installing mysql-server and oh yes, the service is started.
8. Starting mythtv, shows the picture attached with this request.
9. Reinstalling 'mythtv-database- package is asking to a root password, which I don't know. <i leave this blank and Myhtbuntu is out of order.

By the way: Will KARMIC upcomming with MythTV-0.22?
Best regards