Comment 0 for bug 407531

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Garry Leach (garry-leach) wrote : Failed recordings have ambigous display on "watch recordings" & "Upcoming recoriding"

I think that this may represent several separate bugs...

I have been using Mythbuntu 9.04 since May 09, with only a few early teething problems, until 1 week ago.

My MythTV recording facility worked only partially on 26/07/09 (when I had 7 programs scheduled) & 28/07/09 (when I had 5 programs scheduled), all over several channels.

On one channel only, all requested programs were recorded; none of the other programs on other channels were recorded.

However, for the ones that were not recorded, the following happened:

1. The scheduled items on “Upcoming Recordings” were red high-lighted during the period that they should have been recorded (as normal).

2. On the “Watch Recordings” list, when I clicked on any of the red high-lighted items, the system displayed the message “not available yet” (not normal).

3. When the time for recording had passed & when I clicked on the item to watch it, the system displayed the message “can't find the file”.

I think that an earlier indication of recording failure & a clear error message should be displayed when the program is not recording, rather than the the red high-lighted items (as in points 1 & 2 above). A superficial glance at these infers that all is well, as this is the typical indication that recording is going OK.

I don't remember any particular action that may have disabled anything. In any case, with one channel recording, it wasn't the whole system.

I suspected a tuner problem (I can't make any sense of logs, & they have thousands of lines...). So I used “Control Centre” to review the tuners.

I have 2 X dual digital tuners; both Hauppauge; a model Nova T-500 PCI, bought on 17/10/08, & a model Nova TD-500 PCI (which seems to be the current version of the T-500), bought on 23/06/09.

The system is recognising both tuners in the TD-500 (chip DibCom 7000 PC), but only one in the T-500 (chip DibCom 3000MC/P), so I need to do some more investigation on that.

The tuners are numbered 57 to 62.

After reviewing the data associated with the tuners, but not changing anything, I quit the “Control Centre”. The system then requested that I run "mythfilldatabase", so I did that.

It now seems to be working, although I haven't tried stressing it yet.

I have included part of the log file /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log. This covers the time period from just before 18:30 to just after 21:30 on SUnday 26/07/09.