Comment 2 for bug 429651

Revision history for this message
Walter Heck (walterheck) wrote :

Check out this for instance on the active master (achieved by setting "debug 1" in mmm_agent.conf. Obviously I made a booboo while installing, but that is not the point ;) . The point is that the agent thinks all is peachy while it even gets an error (that, coincidentally, doesn't show up in the error logs, another bug).

2009/10/04 06:40:09 DEBUG Listener: Waiting for connection...
2009/10/04 06:40:12 DEBUG Listener: Waiting for connection...
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Connect!
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Daemon: Command = 'GET_AGENT_STATUS|1|db1'
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Received Command GET_AGENT_STATUS|1|db1
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Fetching uptime from /proc/uptime
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Uptime is 223952.70
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Daemon: Answer = 'OK: Returning status!|UNKNOWN||'
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Disconnect!
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Waiting for connection...
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Connect!
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Daemon: Command = 'GET_SYSTEM_STATUS|1|db1'
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Received Command GET_SYSTEM_STATUS|1|db1
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Executing /usr/local/mysql-mmm//agent/check_ip eth1
Can't exec "/usr/local/mysql-mmm//agent/check_ip": No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/MMM/Agent/ line 171, <GEN6> line 1.
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Executing /usr/local/mysql-mmm//agent/mysql_may_write
Can't exec "/usr/local/mysql-mmm//agent/mysql_may_write": No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/MMM/Agent/ line 171, <GEN6> line 1.
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Fetching uptime from /proc/uptime
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Uptime is 223952.71
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Daemon: Answer = 'OK: Returning status!||'
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Disconnect!
2009/10/04 06:40:15 DEBUG Listener: Waiting for connection...
2009/10/04 06:40:18 DEBUG Listener: Waiting for connection...