Comment 1 for bug 1906077

Revision history for this message
Jan Wester (j-vester) wrote :

I did some more testing on this. I actually reinstalled the package and then I set latitude2 and longitude2 to 0. And location2 to be blank. That seems to have stopped the crash with that KeyError. And it seems to be working with one location. SO perhaps that Bergshamra location is a problem for openweathermap suddenly. Note I use exactly the same latitude and longitude and location for the only remaining destination. Perhaps openweathermap requires something extra for this suddenly......

This is the modified configuration file:

    "24h": true,
    "autolocation": false,
    "first-time": false,
    "http-port": 0,
    "http-proxy": "",
    "https-port": 0,
    "https-proxy": "",
    "icon-light": true,
    "latitude": 59.446201,
    "latitude2": 0,
    "location": "H\u00e4gern\u00e4s",
    "location2": "",
    "longitude": 18.1182,
    "longitude2": 0,
    "main-location": true,
    "onalldesktop1": true,
    "onalldesktop2": true,
    "onwidget1hide": false,
    "onwidget1top": false,
    "onwidget2hide": false,
    "onwidget2top": false,
    "pressure": "mb",
    "rain": "mm",
    "refresh": 1.0,
    "second-location": false,
    "show-notifications": true,
    "show-notifications2": true,
    "show-temperature": true,
    "show-temperature2": true,
    "showintaskbar1": false,
    "showintaskbar2": false,
    "skin1": "/usr/share/my-weather-indicator/skins/little",
    "skin2": "/usr/share/my-weather-indicator/skins/little",
    "snow": "cm",
    "temperature": "C",
    "version": "0.9.5-0extras20.04.09",
    "visibility": "km",
    "weather-service": "openweathermap",
    "widget1": false,
    "widget2": false,
    "wind": "km/h",
    "wp1-x": 0,
    "wp1-y": 0,
    "wp2-x": 0,
    "wp2-y": 0,
    "wu-key": "",
    "wwo-key": ""