Comment 9 for bug 1960865

Revision history for this message
TheBestTheBestTheBest (thebestthebestthebest) wrote :

> The strange thing to me is that Nvidia shouldn't be involved here. A USB-C port is likely to be
> wired to the Intel chips only. As a DisplayPort the USB-C is wired to the Intel GPU. And gnome-
> shell by default will use the integrated Intel GPU only for the desktop.

FWIW, but I'm also experiencing the issue and I recall reading (I can't remember where) that the Thunderbolt port on the left end of my laptop is directly wired to the NVIDIA GPU, even when Optimus is enabled. This is not the case for other USB-C ports on my laptop.

This seems to be verified by the fact that, on X11, attaching a display to the Thunderbolt port also makes it show up in the NVIDIA control panel, which shows a reduced view and feature set - because it is acting as secondary GPU. The main laptop display is also not shown there, as it is being handled by the Intel GPU.