Comment 3 for bug 1440021

Revision history for this message
Jouni Helminen (jounihelminen) wrote :

I think thats a nice idea. I think there are two ways of achieving this in the UI

1) quick fix - add another dialog after the naming dialog, asking the user if they want custom or generated art for the playlist. If they choose custom, take them to the Content Hub. Replicate the same for playlist editing mode after rename dialog.

2) slightly better UX - instead of dialog for creating/editing the playlist, we could use have an editable playlist detail view layout. The layout would be the same as the normal playlist view, except the title becomes a textfield where user can change the title by simply tapping on it, and tapping on the cover art takes the user to Content Hub (probably need a pen icon on the cover art in edit mode to indicate that it can be changed).

The editable playlist would be invoked when creating a new playlist, or when editing an existing one