Comment 0 for bug 1491383

Revision history for this message
Anastasia Kuznetsova (akuznetsova) wrote :

If user creates two Active Directory application in one Murano environment with following names: domain1.domain and domain2.domain then deployment fails with following error:

2015-09-02 11:58:48 — [murano.engine.system.agent.AgentException]: {'source': 'command', 'command': u'Install-RolePrimaryDomainController', 'details': {u'PositionMessage': u'At line:32 char:11\r\n+ $null = Install-ADDSForest `\r\n+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', u'ScriptStackTrace': u'at Install-RolePrimaryDomainController<Process>, <No file>: line 32'}, 'timestamp': '2015-09-02T11:58:47.865696', 'message': u'Verification of prerequisites for Domain Controller promotion failed. A NetBIOS domain name must be specified.\r\n', 'type': u'Microsoft.ADRoles.Deployment.Common.Tests.TestFailedException'}

I assume that problem is that we pass only following parameters here:
$null = Install-ADDSForest `
   -DomainName $DomainName `
   -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $SMAP `
   -DomainMode Default `
   -ForestMode Default `
   -NoRebootOnCompletion `
and do not pass -DomainNetbiosName<String> parameter, probably we need to specify it directly in case if we have a few ADs in one env