Comment 2 for bug 1212786

Revision history for this message
Karl Palsson (ubuntu-tweak) wrote :

fwiw, our 1.1 code aborted if connect_async returned non success. Because in the past, it always succeeded. Now that it does make a connection attempt, blocking or not, we need to not actually care about the response being successful or not (other than MOSQ_ERR_INVAL) and simply carry on and make the call to _loop_start()

        int connect_result = mosquitto_connect_async(st->mosq, CFG_DEFAULT_MQ_HOST, 1883, 90);

        if (connect_result != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {
                // oh, this looks really bad when this happens
                WLOG("Failed to create a thread for connecting to %s: code:%d, reason: %s\n",
   CFG_DEFAULT_MQ_HOST, connect_result, strerror(errno));
                // XXX DON'T ABORT HERE ON MOSQUITTO 1.2!
               // return false;
        // okay, "connected", lets go...
        // start looping in a thread, this also reconnects if necessary!!
        ILOG("Starting mosquitto loop thread\n");
        int loop_result = mosquitto_loop_start(st->mosq);
        if (loop_result != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) {
                // oh, this looks really bad again give up!
                WLOG("Failed to create a thread for looping mosquitto.\n");
                return false;
        // everything fine
        return true;

User error I guess :)