Comment 1 for bug 1663560

Revision history for this message
Nikita Karpin (mkarpin) wrote :

When deploying Fuel with built-in Ceilometer I cannot reproduce this bug, however I found that when using telemetry plugin, it does not override default value [1] for notification driver. This default value depends on ceilometer['enabled'] option [2], and in case of deployment with plugin ceilometer hash in hiera looks like:

root@node-1:~# hiera ceilometer
 "notification_driver"=>"<SERVICE DEFAULT>",

but initial value of enabled parameter in astute.yaml is:

  db_password: fmXOxtcrzpMhOI67HE0vYku6
  enabled: false
  metering_secret: uWsXx80vnIs2ComsMVd8MgzU
  user_password: lq95aSKTDdNllZPXS6ex0nTk

As you can see notification driver is SERVICE DEFAULT, because its value had been caculated before "enabled" parameter was overriden by plugin's hiera.pp manifest. This means after deployment notification_driver will be abcent in config. In order to fix this I recommend to set notification_driver explicitly to "messaging" in plugin's hiera manifest [1]. So for me it looks like bug is invalid for MOS. It should be fixed in plugin.

