Comment 0 for bug 1592409

Revision history for this message
Kristina Berezovskaia (kkuznetsova) wrote : [SR-IOV] SR-IOV migration doesn't work after 4 times

Detailed bug description:
When I try to migrate instance with macvtap port 5 time, it has error state

Steps to reproduce:

Deploy env with 1 controller, 2 computes with SR-IOV feature and 1 compute without SR-IOV.

1. Create net, subnet
neutron net-create net01
neutron subnet-create --name net01__subnet net01
2. Create router, set gatawey and interface to net01
neutron router-create router_01
neutron router-gateway-set router_01 admin_floating_net
neutron router-interface-add router_01 net01__subnet
3. Create macvtap port and boot vm
NET_ID_1=`neutron net-list | awk '/net01/ {print $2}'`
neutron port-create $NET_ID_1 --binding:vnic-type macvtap --device_owner nova-compute --name sriov_1
port_id_s1=`neutron port-list | awk '/sriov_1/ {print $2}'`
nova boot vm1 --flavor m1.small --image ubuntu_14.04 --availability-zone nova:$NODE_1 --nic port-id=$port_id_s1 --key-name cloudkey
4. Check active state:
nova list
5. Migrate vm1 (migrate, wait some time, confirm resizing)
nova migrate vm1
6. Check status
7. Repeat 5 and 6 for 5 times
Expected results:
instance has status ACTIVE

Actual result:
The instance has status ERROR
Error message:

Description of the environment:
iso 482

cat /etc/fuel_build_id:
cat /etc/fuel_build_number:
cat /etc/fuel_release:
cat /etc/fuel_openstack_version:
rpm -qa | egrep 'fuel|astute|network-checker|nailgun|packetary|shotgun':

Additional information:
It reproduced only on 5th-time migration. My list of nodes during migration looks like:
node_4 -> node_5
node_5 -> node_4
node_4 -> node_5
node_5 -> node_4
node_4 -> node_5 - error

Link on snapshot: